Hooray holiday..

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How did you guys spend your public holiday?Mine was pretty interesting cause my aunt and I decided to pay Singapore Botanic Garden a visit.It was the sudden decision where the actual plan was to picnic with all my aunts and cousins but everyone seem so busy.So at the end only two person showed up.But anyway,the plan still on but no picnicking.
Reached there about 9 something and some of the car parks were already fulled..Simply walked around and snapped some photos.That's all.haha.

You see,i never cheat you.A lot of people were picnicking over there.I just love this kind of life which can be considered as quite relaxing instead of sitting infront the computer with tons of paperworks right?Nevertheless,spotted some ang mos were practicing yoga there too.
You will most probably got an idea what are they dancing according this posture?yes it was Oppa Gangnam Style.As this song was playing.it make  the atmosphere more lively.
Bunga Raya.lol.
Lotus pond.
NO worries cause you will find drinking fountains there.
It's not free..You must buy the ticket to enter.But however,it's free for Singaporeans and PR during July.
My masterpiece-white lotus.
Keep on scrolling to find out more..Got something to share with you guys.



Deng deng.....Super huge and fluffy dog..Somehow it looks like a big version of poodle.
Innocent look when it wanted to play other dog but the owner keep saying let's go,walk away.Please don't frighten the small dogs.haha.
And then it walked away.

Don't know what bred is this but the owner super nice.she stopped down and let me snapped.haha.
Couple of poodles..
White poodle.super guai one.
lastly,the beautiful Shih tzu.

Headed to Casa Verde for our second breakfast cause we already had our MC Dee breakfast before going there.Super crowded there because i think there's only one restaurant at there.

 Big breakfast with scrambled eggs,sausages,hash browns,salad,bacons and toast
Super nice waffle with maple syrup,strawberries and whipped cream.

That's all for today.bye peeps.xoxo.

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