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Friday, May 1, 2015

Happy holiday y'all and happy Friday of course everybody..

Always good to be back at this space after half a month hiatus, probably due to workload from school. I believe that May is gonna be another brand new month for me to achieve new goals. Nothing much in this post, just gonna share some photos with you guys that were taken few weeks back. 




I love this series of photo... so much because it gives me different feeling from the usual photos I have. And what can I said is that everything looks appealing in white..   

Let's check it out..

Mommy decided to join the game too. Proudly presented to you one of my family portrait with my lovely mom and pom pom a.k.a ah boy. 

Have a great long weekend guys. 
Heading off to Pulau Ketam this weekend for some seafood feast! Can't wait for it...

I will make sure to keep you guys updated and follow me at Instagram / Twitter @sereneletica. See you guys there and thanks for reading. 

With love,

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