Food Hunt in Malacca // Crochet-ish

Friday, December 6, 2013

Malacca is one of the state that i found familiar with because I'm able to travel there since I was young. Like really young. From the first visiting with my mom, field trip with my secondary mates and even until now that I can drive there alone by myself. I still couldn't forget this well-renowed historical place , there's strong mindset that urge me to visit there again and again.  Just won't get bored of this place.

Thus, my friends and I decided to make a trip to there on last Sunday and hunt for good foods. It was the second time three of us travel together to Malacca. Decided to stay in Hatten Hotel again to prevent any insufficient time to hunt for good foods.

First and foremost, we decided to give authentic Nyoya foods a shot. Been researching online for nyoya foods and i found this - Nancy's Kitchen. Previously, my aunt has also recommended me that their nyoya's kuih was good too.

Say yes if you love kuihs. I love oneh-oneh the most.

Happy girls munching their colourful ang-kuh-kuih.

Didn't aware that there are starters in Nyoya meals too. Our starter - Pai Tee and Popiah.

Feastinggg Time. What have we ordered : Rendang Chicken , Nyoya Laksa .Fried egg with Cincalok , Babi Cincalok and Kangkung.

Had a pleasant meal there. Will come back if i am crave for nyoya foods.

ADDRESS: 7,Jalan Hang Lekir , Off Jalan Tang Cheng Lok ,75200, Melaka.
TEL NO : 06-283 6099

We wear such a big eaters and there's always room for dessert.  Just can't get enough of sweet yet delight desserts. And we stopped by 2 places to get our dessert craves fix. We went for the most popular Pantai Klebang coconut milkshake. It's a stall where allocated along the roadside. This tasted super good and refreshing. I always love the scent of coconut , I don't know why.

Such breathtaking view. And did an impromptu photoshoot there. can't wait to share it at next post toooooo..

Here's one of the pic during the shoot with HDR. How do you think?

Went to next round of dessert again at De Reve Cafe. The ambience was really cozy.

Dalamation Waffle. Never had such scrumptious waffle before. Waffle with the combination of brownie and a scoop of vanilla ice-cream on top was beyond awesome.

Look at this? Mouth-watering isn't?

AND the second pick was Chocolate Lava. 

I love both...

And here is my ootd for that day. My crochet top is so amazing. Love the cutting and the flora details on it too.

Selfie in the toilet. hahaha.

My photographer and assistant of the day. super thankful eyy.

Hope you enjoy reading and have great day ahead.


with love.

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