#sereneturns20plus1 Birthday Party

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

* A day before I turn into 21st *

Having such mixed feelings cause I think that 21 years old will be another new phase in my life and there are many more milestones in short future are waiting for me to unlock and achieve. This is the phase that I am no longer a teenager but an adult, it will be such a big turning point in my life cause more challenges are flowing towards me that I need to learn how to overcome all of them. It's finally 21 y/o now. I will not have the right now to throw unnecessary tantrum to my mom because of small tiny matters, I am supposed to pay extra attention and spend more quality time with her cause I am now finally an adult that responsible to do all these just like how she used to take care of me back then when I can't even know how to crawl, how to speak and how to walk. She is the only one who raises me and constantly shower me with love, care and patient. She is being so supportive in everything I want to venture in without any objections but if she objects, I truly believe that her intention is good. Buy her stuffs that she likes, bring her out for meals and travel with her around the world is all I want to do with her rest of the life. 
Thanks mom :')


Held my 21st birthday party on 21st of June. ( It rhymes hehe. ) I am the kind of the person that likes to do planning whereby I started to work on my preparation since hmm, 3 months ago. Filtered best venues to held party, initially, I was thinking to held in KL but it is really inconvenience for me so I ended up help in my hometown instead , researched for awesome and unique party ideas such as backdrop, dessert table and decoration (mainly using Pinterest), as well as prepared invitation list. What I must say is that planning for a fabulous yet awesome party is not easy as what I think but I definitely enjoy doing it with supports from my friends.

This is how my dessert corner looked like on that day. Everything goes really well as what I've planned and I am thankful for that.

Pic with #ahboytheflufflypoodle.

Was in dilemma deciding which backdrops should I use since I have couple of backdrops that I really like. In the end I've decided to go for garland backdrop. And I am so proud to say that every pieces are cut by me, Jia Ying and Sara. Both Jia Ying and me cut this garland until 5 pm the day before my party and woke up at around 9am to start for other preparation works. Thank you so much Jia Ying for helping me that much.

Too pretty that I think it needs a close-up photo.

My dessert table/corner.

Flattred when everyone praises me and said that this is the nicest dessert corner they have ever seen.

Pink and white bundle of ballons.

Thanks Cat and TeyC for surprising me and sending over to my place. 

Things that are on my dessert table.

p/s : Food labels are designed and printed by Kent.

My cameraman for the entire night. Thank you HS!

Yeay it's now photo-taking session.

Most of the props we've used are proudly made by Catherine.

My family portrait. <3 nbsp="">
Really appreciate how they make time for my party cause some of them were in SG and some of them were in KL but they purposely come back to join me.

My grandma!!
She exactly knows the theory of " hide-behind-face-smaller " so she was hiding behind me all of the time. So cute of her. 

My handsome cousin , Baby Kyler.
Watch out girls, 等我长大我要电死你们了. haha. Such a adorable baby with watery and huge eyes and he likes to smile very much!

Cason Boy. Looks really mature after hair cut. Like a successful businessman already. Haha.

Cadee, Cheryl and Chloe!

Portrait with HS's family.

My secondary mates.  Thanks for coming to my party and witness this joyful moment together with me.

My grandma's friends.

My mom's friends.

My 舅母's friends.

My aunt that went BKK with me. You guys still remember her? hehe. Together with her daughter, Jolene.

My helpful friend, Jia Ying that involves herself in the whole preparation process and this is my fav pic with her. 

Friend since sec 2. 

Favourite Lee's sisters. 

With Daniel and Caiyun.

With Michael.

With Monnie.

Sweet couple - Zhenghao and Peiling.

With Chin Khang.

The girl all the way flew back from Sarawak - Siew Li.

With TeyC. :) My fav pic with her.

My always-late and always-last-minute queen. She even dare to late for 2 hours for my party. 

More pics with Hs.

Cake that customised and bought from Whisk Espresso Bar.

Well, I didn't try single bite but everyone said was too sweet.

Ombre design inside.

Special instant film stickers from Hilly Events or email them at hilly.events@gmail.com for any general enquiries. 

LIKE them on Facebook and check out what services they have. They are super patient in drafting and designing just to meet my expectation .

Favourite woman in this world that I like and love the most. I am so thankful and blissful to have you by my side. *kisses from me*

With all my cousins..

Super huge present for Kent. hehe.

Been busying for few months time and finally it's a wrap. 

Thanks for making the touching video for me that accumulates birthday wishes from all my beloved.

That's all for my post for my 21st and thank you so much for reading. Apart from that, I also need to express how thankful I am for having you guys by my side to celebrate my birthday with me. Truly appreciate it. Hope that you guys'd enjoy yourself as well.

Can't wait for celebration with my mom in KL this week. :)

And more exciting post will be coming up soon so stay tuned yea.

Till next time.

With Love,

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