< Toast Pizza X Mother's Day Celebration X OOTD >

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy TGI Thursday everyone and welcome the arrival of July. Can't believe how time flies so fast as we're proceeding to second half of the year now. As for me, I am eagerly looking for my long break after final exam that falls on coming August. yesh. Exactly I am the student who only looks at holidays instead of schooling. Every time I got the my student schedule, holiday period is my one and only concern. *lazy bum bum*

As my title has already mentioned, this post is all about recipe of making toast pizza ( My first ever recipe post ), mother's day celebration which happened to be on May but I only starting to blog now as well as my coordinate for that particular day. 

Start off my post with few selfies of mine. haha. 

I get to know toast pizza by accidentally clicked into a Taiwanese blog that teaches us how to deal with new methods / ways of eating of our plain, white, tasteless toast. I personally prefer plain toast spread with a layer of butter and sugar. What about yours?

Now let's do something special kay?

All you need : Ketchup, hotdog (preferable, or you can replace with ham or pepperoni ), button mushroom and mozzarella cheese.

Spread ketchup evenly on your toast and follow by placing mozzarella cheese on it.

As for topping part, you can either topped with hams, pepperoni, hot dogs or luncheon meats.

And next, fried sautéed mushroom which is super easy to cook. Now I am qualified to make big breakfast for my mom next time haha. Just fry with butter, a pinch of salt and black pepper until mushrooms turned into slightly browned and reduce your heat until mushrooms are tender. And it's ready to serve. hehe.

Mother's day version. Pizza toast in heart shaped served with delicious sautéed mushroom.

How to bake?  

 [ Make sure you have already spread your toast with ketchup, cheese and toppings that you prefer ]

1. Pre-heated oven  at 200°c for 10 minutes.

2. Bake for 5 to 7 mins depending on your oven cause time required of each and every oven is different at 200°c.

3. Served immediately. And now you can place sautéed mushroom on the top.

Next, my OOTD for mother's day celebration.

Red polka dot two-piece from BKK.
Shoes - Korea.

Love this pic so much cause #ahboythefluffypoodle is being so photogenic and look at the camera.

And I will be doing a pet diary of me and #ahboythefluffypoodle and share with you guys what we have been through for the past half a year and hopefully I can do it ASAP. So guys, please stay tuned. hehe.

My superwoman.

And this is my < Family Portrait > consists of my fav dearest mom and puppy. 

Didn't have fancy mother's day celebration, just have extraordinary dinner with grandma, mom, uncle , aunt and all my cousins.

I think grandma loves her mother's gift too. 

Hope y'all enjoy reading andI think I should have do more recipe posts in near future.

Thanks for reading. :)

And do follow my instagram for more of my daily updates - sereneleticia.
Will try to be constantly active in this social platform so see you guys there.

With love,

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