Wedding Dinner at Repulse Bay

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hi everyone,i just came back from my Hong Komg & Korea trip and rushed back to Singapore yesterday to start my uni..This trip was kinda tiring but nice try cause i manged to travel to 3 different countries in such short period.So my very first holiday post will be my aunt's wedding dinner which fall on 20 October.This is the main reason why my family members and i travel all the way to there.I'm so looking forward for this trip cause i never been to any oversea wedding dinner and i can visit go Hong Kong again!! *evil smile*

My face of the day.Did a hair bun and make up by myself.ok i know not much different.

Touched down Hong Kong International Airport around 8 something and took City flyer get back to our hotel which located at Sheung Wan.The weather is seriously hot,not even like Genting.Note for yourself,you must prepare the appropriate amount of money because the bus driver will not give you back your change.And if you have big & bulky baggage,you must make sure that you have the enough space to place your baggage or else i advice you to wait for the next bus.the last one is do not talk with the bus driver like asking him/her about the bus fare or the place that they stop.They wouldn't answer you.I don't know why.But u can find the map and the price list easily.

Back to topic,the wedding dinner was held at Repulse Bay and we reached the venue pretty early.The bride and the bridesmaid not even getting ready haha.

The wedding reception..

And now I'm featuring the bridesmaid of the day.My cousin!!lol..

All the flower girlsssss!let's me name them out accordingly.
From right-Cadee,Cheryl,Pearly,Peggy AND Penny.

tidbits before the ceremony attractive right? 
Close up shot for some lovely this vanilla cupcakes.So yum,..

Popcorn served in cone!

Strawberry pockyyyy.. 
And marshmallows in such special packaging..

Such a breathtaking viewwww..

me with their wedding cake.Actually i don't know this is the fake one and i don't dare to stand so near haha.

During the wedding ceremony..deng deng deng deng~deng deng deng deng~~

the groom with very excited expression.

my family!!all very tall one leh...hahah...

my mommmyyy..the best mom on earth!
Casey and i.
The only individual pic of me and the bride.
handsome boy,Oscar.

Chill flow orange juice and potato chipps.the potato chips are so yum until i gonna finish the next table one!

And after that,we wear all invited to have our dinner.This is the western-style wedding so there  is no any shark fin soup,roasted pork belly,or others like i had in the previous wedding dinner.So this was really special  for me loh..

i will be skipping all of the main course photos and present you the dessert part,cause i love desserts!haha..

the Agens b dark and milk chocolate in heart shape as souvenir.I don't like the dark chocolate cause it's too bitter for me.but for the milk chocolate,i love it so much.

And so high tech.The photographer print us the family photo for us instantly,each of us have one.

 Last but no least,wish both of them live happily ever after and all the best.Congratulationsss!


Alright,end my post post will be about the Hong Kong Disneyland.stay tumedddd..

bye bye.. 

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