Cing Jing Farm in Taiwan - Day 3

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

  Gonna blog about Cing Jing Farm which i personally think that it would be most attractive blog entry that i can ever had as i mentioned in the earlier post..It gonna filled with tons of nice pictures as well..

  And i'm going to be as productive as i could to make this space even more up to date..

  As usual,we were picked up by our driver and day 3 was started way too early..Get ourselves well prepared for the staycation at Cing Jing Farm and the 2 hours ride. This is my second time been there and i really love everything there especially the weather and the magnificent views over there.. You can totally relax your mind peacefully and say bye to hustle and bustle lifestyle..

  Me at the breakfast place.. Driver fetch us to have these local styles of breakfast like super huge "you tiao" with soy bean, dumplings aka xiao long bao, and 蛋饼.. too hungry at that point of time and i even gobbled a bowl of beef noodle.

Tried hot spring at 庐山 too when we were on our way to Cing Jing..but it was kind of disappointing because it wasn't as great as we

 You'll most probably think that this place or even the pool is filthy but in fact it's not.. My friend told me that they added sulphur into the water so it turns out to be that chalky.. But anyways,we spent nearly 1 hour at here and had great conversation here..

My best travel-mates!

The BEST part of this entry starts here......

Reached there almost 3 o'clock and it actually closes on 5.. luckily we've applied for the "teenage card" so that we get ticket at lower prices.. What to do next? Rushed in and have a date with sheeps! 

Hello "yang meh meh". Why you looked so depress?

To let you have a complete set of view,i actually took the sheep's butt! Haha..

Bought this fodder to feed them ^.^

Feeding time..

They are so fluffy..Love'em..

The view was breathtakingly beautiful till we couldn't believe it's actually for real..More or less it'd looked like photoshop has been integrated in the photos below..But in fact it's not,it's REAL..

Check this out..

It's worth to capture down the moment same as the guy behind us..He did the exact thing like us..haha..

And lastly,i'm surrounded by sheeps!

Not only sheeps,they do have horses too..And of course,they go for horse ride which i didn't join cause i tried it before so i was thinking not to waste money..

I look like giant standing beside her huh..

Tried Cing Jing's peach at the end of our visit..And the peach costed us NTD 200 but it's okay since it was so juicy and sweet..

Bye Bye Cing Jing Farm..Will visit you again soon..:)

By the OOTD for that day..Super in love with this kind of see through umbrella and insisted to bring one home.

Enjoy reading..XOXO..

Till next time..

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