#1 Come And Raid My Wardrobe

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

 Hello mid-week guys. Am leaving to Sg again by tomorrow evening cause have to attend Welcoming Day. Arghh can't believe that my half-a-year holidays is ending soon. Am feeling curious on how my course going to be and wonder who will be my course mates. okay no point of thinking such lame questions at this moment right. haha.

Ooowhhh. My wardrobe is really exploding now. Like seriously. EXPLODING.   My kakak and I get very headache in folding my clothes cause too much clothes yet the space is so less for my clothes. So I decided to dedicate a post ( or two or three or four ) for all my pre-loved clothes. Do follow me further for more update ok. Will be doing another one on weekend. :) And all of the items will be selling at freaking cheap prices as low as RM 5 and for most of the dresses and maxi will be selling at RM 20 only. 

I'm not intending to transform this space to commercial platform or stuff like that. Just thinking how can  I leave all my pretty clothes w/o wearing them.Some of them are brand new and some of them only wore for once or twice. Feel so pathetic for my clothes. So I decided to help "them" to find a new owner. hope you'd be the one.

Let's get started..



 *Roar Roar*
01. Tiger Print Maxi Dress
Rm 20.00

-Wore once for photoshoot only. Superb Quality and stretchable at waist plus double lining at the bottom part. -

02.Bohemian Print Dress
Rm 15

-Love how the bohemian detail on this dress. Wore once.-

03. Flora dress
RM 15

 -Brand new.-

04. Colourful Dress
RM 15

- Love how striking the colour is of this dress and comfy -

05. Dress in Yellow.
RM 15 (Including the belt as well)

06. Flora Jumpsuit

-Love the cutting and the bottom part. Like wearing a dress. So feminine. -

07. Flowerish dress
RM 15

- Free size that suitable for anyone of you. Pair it with a sneakers with carry the casual look very well -
08. Turquoise Chiffon Top
RM 10

-Lace detail along the collar is a big plus point. -
 09. Lace pants in Beige.
RM 10

All of the items below are only at RM 5.

-Very stretchable and suitable for those who're wearing size S-M. -

10. Green Apple Pants
RM 5

11. Lilac Pants
RM 5

- Stretchable waist
11. Daisy top in Khaki
RM 5

12. Chiffon tank top
RM 5

13. Peter Pan Top In Purple
RM 5


14.Cotton On Tight Skirts in Size S. Never wear before because both of it was too huge for me.
Letting go two of it at only RM 20.
-Both skirts have different prints -

Happy Shopping xx

For those who're interested in getting my pre-loved clothes, please kindly send me an e-mail @ serene.fang@hotmail.com by listing:

Item no and name:

And i will get back to you shortly.

P/S. Buyers are responsible for postage fee too.

Thank you for reading and night.

With love,

1 comment

  1. MEXICAN SUN|팬노사이트 - Kirill KHII
    MEXICAN 카지노 SUN|팬노사이트. MEXICAN SUN|팬노사이트. 춀트사이트. 탴사이트 탴트사이트 탴트사이트 탴트사이트 7 본 탴트데 탴트트랜 탴트트사이트 8 츜데, 오튬데, 석 앜 탠대 kirill-kondrashin 월니


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