Black WED

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sorry for disappearing so long. If you're following me on Twitter / Instagram (@sereneleticia ) , you will barely see any updates as well. Been really busy for prep of school stuffs lately. But at this point of time, 80% is done. And it's Welcome Orientation day tomorrow and starting class on Friday and next Monday.

Well. This is just normal ramblings post so if you have spare time, you can follow me till the end of the post. But if you don't, feel free to exit and i wish you good slumber. Haha. Today was quite a bad day for me. Everything went so badly. Worst part is i locked my room's door. Feel really helpless when i was locked outside the room. Getting quite depress and random emotional thoughts came across my mind. Felt lonely when i am in trouble but nobody show up. I have to face every single problem by myself, alone. But I'm trying to be as positive as I can for the following days. 

You will never find a girl that's as clumsy and careless as me. you must be wondering. how can I locked the door of your room. in fact, i don't know too. Finally settle down everything now and had spent freaking $20 to unlock it. Well promise to myself such careless incidents will not happen on me again.

Pictures were taken before bad things happen. I was really in good mood at that time. 

Went to Jollibean to buy my light and quick lunch.

And after back from ICA to collect my S-pass. Bought myself a box of happy pills - cupcakessss from Twelve Cupcakes. Their red velvet (middle) is the boom. Super yummy and the texture was so soft. love it. Keep another 2 in refrigerator for tomorrow. ^>^

That's all for today and gonna rest now. am so tired now after attempting to unlock the door by myself but wasn't succeed at last tho. 

Good night lovelies.

Finger cross tomorrow will be a good day. Let's pray ok?

with love,

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