My Life With #AhBoyTheFluffyPoodle

Friday, October 10, 2014

I am here to start blogging about my life with the companion of my cutest puppy on earth #ahboythefluffypoodle. You may think that your dog cutter than mine but no wayyyyy, he is irreplaceable okay? haha.  Initially, this hashtag was originated from my Instagram when I have no any clues in tagging him whenever I post photos of me with him and he doesn't have an Instagram account, so I ended up create a hashtag which is only specially for him. : ) Mentioned in last few posts saying that I would start blogging a pet diary to share here and mainly writing about how we've been through a year ago since I've adopted him on last 4th of October. Can't believe that ah boy already be with me for such a long period and surprisingly both of us get along well even though we have to leave each other apart for maximum a week cause I am furthering my studies in SG and I can't bring him along (which I think I can bring him everywhere I go). I will try the best meet him more and as for rest of the time, my mom and kakak will take care of him and sometimes HS and Cat would look after him on behalf of me tho. 

My life now is much more interesting because of the existence of him cause if I happen to be at home, I will make sure myself wake up more early than usual just to bring him out to pee and poo. And I am trying real hard on doing researches regarding what foods are good for dogs so that I can make him good and yummy foods apart from dry dog foods. I teach him new things and at the same time, I bring him out to know more new friends and explore new things just to make sure that he's happy and cheerful dog like now. If you ask me how much I love him, my answer is definitely infinity cause I can't describe how much he meant to me whereby he is now one of our family members. I will feel uncomfortable when you step in your house without seeing him that constantly wags his tail that just trying to welcome your return.  I feel much more secure and loved at the same time cause he likes to follow me every second whenever I am in my home and I think this indicates that he would like to protect me. If he is able to able to catch up every new things I've thought him, I will be utterly happy and feeling proud cause he is a smart dog and well-trained. I am sure this is what every single pet owners are experiencing this kind of joy that your lovely pets have brought to you and of course we would expect our pet is in healthy state all the time and be happy. Am I right?

The second day I took him from his previous owner. Dragged him along to do ootd shot with me and stuffed him inside a flora bag. hehe.

Finally brought him for grooming. My first time send my furball for grooming I can't believe that such a cutie pie is actually my precious ah boy. He looked extraordinarily handsummmm.

I have new selfie partner. But he usually won't entertain me and straight away he will look other places than focusing on the camera. ishhhh. Not photogenic at all sia.

His fav can food.  He can finish it within few minutes.

He looked sad here as I am leaving to Shanghai last year. 

The innocent face he will give me whenever I am starting to pack my luggage. And sometimes he jump into it which makes me feel guilty and irresponsible for leaving him at home. I am sorry boy, I wish you are pocketable so I can bring you travel around the world together with me. :'(

 "Hey you, can you give me belly rubs? "

With diaper. Looking adorable as well.

Joyous moment when we brought him out. He can now know jump to the car whenever he sees me taking car keys. 

"Your fatty tummy is so comfortable. Can I squeeze in the same sofa with you, please? "

" What about your backside? Can you be my mattress? "

Found this pic interesting cause he was looking at the cam seriously.

And next pic, he went like " why you can't get enough of selfie? " kind of face. 

 " Can you stop it pleaseeeeee? "

"You said you are going to give me treats cause imma a good boy, where's my treat now? " 

Things that he hate the most in this world - Bath time!!

He tends to play hide-and-seek with me when he sees me collecting towel and run towards him. Oh god, you only bath once a week kay. Not everyday.

Tilt head picture. I love it.

" I am sad because I don't look handsummmmm at all now, blow dry me quick! "

Made him a bow collar for CNY since I didn't buy him any shirts.

And my big dog behind - Kenny Boyyyyy. Both my precious fur kids.

I'll love you with all my heart, my precious boy.

Have a great weekend y'll.

Remember to follow my instagram/twitter for more instant updates @sereneleticia.

With love,

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