What is your skin type & remedy for your skin.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

*question mark face* what skin i suppose have?

Couple days ago,I was google-ed about some skincare products cause i feel my skin is so dry this few days and the most evil thing is...breakouts at my forehead,cheek,and chin ( i know you're not interested where my breakouts at,but i just simply mention it  )

.As i google-ed about the details of the product,it will usually stated the product is suitable for which skin type ie:dry skin,combination skin and also oily skin.

So i was stared at it for a few seconds and dubiously asking myself what kind of skin type I actually have.Since I wanna improve my skin texture and complexion,i went to find it out..And now,I get to know what my type of skin actually I and i guess my glowing skin will be back soon,right? how about you??

If you don't know what kind skin type you have,I'm here to give you some brief explanation regarding type of skin.There are five types of different skin..

1.Normal Skin-means the oil & moisture contents retain in proper balance.you will most probably have fine texture with supple & smooth surface.Pores are small and skin texture is even hence it doesn't develop spot blemishes. *i want this desperately!! sobs*

2.Dry Skin-means you've the tendency to flake easily and this lead to lines & wrinkles at your face.Why dry?because the incapable in retain moisture therefore dry skin will ages faster than oily skin.Whoever has dry skin must use appropriate moisturizer in day time whilst good cream at night especially in cold weather the problem of dry skin will become even worst!

3.Oily Skin-means excess oil in the surface of the skin which attracted dirt & dust which cause your skin slightly/moderately greasy!This is the main reason why blackheads,whiteheads,pimples are popping out.So to prevent this is this type of skin need to be cleansed  throughly and use oil-free skin care products.

4.Combination Skin-As the name implied,it's very clear that the skin is combination of both oily and dry skin.You will found your T-zone which is forehead,nose,chin will be more oily and you will feel dry at other parts of your skin.Your skin must be exfoliated twice a week to remove dead cells and it must be treated accordingly like use those skin cares specially for Combination skin.

Last but not least,

5.Sensitive Skin-The skin has very fine texture and sensitive to any changes.You must avoid to put unnecessary ingredients that may irritate your skin.

I hope my explanation is clear enough to help you understand which type of skin you have.But if you're still unclear with it,you may just observing how your skin behave and you'll know.


I'm curious whether homemade mask will works well on my skin or just irritate it?i decided to have a try!The first homemade mask i'm going to do is Honey Lemon Mask. NO big deal and ain't hard for getting the preparation done.As long as you have 1/2 lemon (squeeze for the lemon juice) or lemon oil , 2 tablespoon honey..That's all and mix them well.     
just cut the lemon into half and squeeze it

P/S: you may pre-heat honey for few seconds in case it's so sticky and hard to dissolve in lemon juice ok?

put both of the ingredients inside the small mixing bowl.

spread it on your face.

And put for 20 minutes and rinse with water.Cold water will be the best option for you cause it can close your pores and hence your pores are minimized yey!.And after that,you may continue with your daily skin care routine like put moisturizer bla bla bla....

So far,reviews for this homemade mask is just good and it's great for all skin types.so try it out,MAYBE?
You may not see the results instantly and need to take some time.Must be patient ok?hehhe..If i find this ask improve my skin complexion,i'd be sharing some other kind of homemade masks in order to save my & yours costs to have beautiful skin.

FYI: honey will bring smooth glow to your skin and retain moisture,keep your skin hydrated,and prevent your skin from drying.How honey moisture your skin?it's so easy by trapping moisture from air naturally.Nevertheless,honey has natural antioxidant & antimicrobial elements to protect skin from damage of sun rays and rejuvenate and refresh depleted skin.Honey is also a popular home remedy for getting rid of acne in harmless way and it contains no harsh elements!

Enjoy reading!

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