Splendid Saturday..

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hello y'all..I'm going to blog about my BBQ session with my family as i mentioned earlier in the previous post..Just done editing all pictures that taken on that day but ehmmmm..mostly are food pictures..Can't wait to share it out so let's get started..

Before proceeding to the actual day of BBQ's part,just wanted to post about what we've actually prepared..


I named it hawaiian BBQ stick cause i don't think it has actual name for it..extremely easy to prepare this..Simply cut lucheon meat and pineapple into cube size and pierce it on the satay sticks.Then u will get your work done..super easy right? =)

Kinda proud of myself cause i finally know how to season chicken wings and yet it tasted nice..sorry if you feel the picture below looked gross..but hey..it was my work...

Dumped every single ingredients then it will tastes good like mine ok?In case you're wondering what ingredients i've added in..So listed out here:Gralic,Onion,Ginger,Soy sauce,Oyster oil,Sesame oil,Salt and Sugar.As for the amount,it is actually quite subjective and hard for me to list out so depending on your own preference.. ^^

Should refrain myself from writing the preparation part already.If not i feel like i sound like a professional chef..No lahhh just kidding...;P

Actual day was fun..exiting..and the memorable one..

Our BBQ pit .

Not forgetting the huge swimming pools and massage pools..

I know it's very common nowadays that you can see this kind of "gym pool"..but for me it's first time that's why i can't wait to try it..After trying it,i personally feel that it has nothing special..lol..

Kids just can't wait even for a second..here go Cheryl and Chloe..

And this as timid as rat de Cadee..She only dare to play inside the pool that below her height..

Back to BBQ pit..

Foods that we bought on the previous day..Spotted something cute?

Yes,this cute packaging of pork meat balls..Always have strong obsession toward cute things..don't you?

Observe my seasoned chicken wings?and some seafoods..

Just another small and tiny tips for you guys on how to BBQ corns..Smear butter and salt on the corn without peeling of the skin and re-wrap it..It will tastes much more nicer compare to the one that wrap with aluminium foil..

Beers anyone?

High tech BBQ pit which uses gas instead of charcoal..

Most of them like my haiwaiian BBQ stick..including myself and the pineapple cubes still remain juicy after BBQ-ed..Must prepare this again for next BBQ session..

I incharged for all of these..Sambal Sotong and salmon..Only chicken wings were out of my control cause 5 out of 5 chicken wings were not well-cooked..darnnnnn...

Baked potatoes and beans...

Not sure what kind of mushroom was this but my mom said it was very nice..I just added salt and butter then fried it...

Uncle's steak..Looking real good and scrumptious right?wondering why that day i didn't request to try this..haih..

My mom's photography skills has to be improved..>< 

Anyway,that's end of my post..hope you like it..Not feeling well :'( Head start aching,throat hurting and feeling dizzy..guess falling sick soon thus gotta rest early so yea..

good night..xoxo..


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