TGIF X International Women's Day

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hi y' was your weekend?it is great and fun?mine was boring cause i've slept for almost half day and just dragged my body for dinner at my aunt's house..I'm not that tired but this gloomy weather just make me feel so sleepy and lazy..Wanted to start doing my revision but..Darn..i only read for one page ><

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This blog entry is about FOODS that i had it last Friday..just a simple dinner date with my aunt and coincidentally it was International Women's Day..We had authentic Korean cuisine which located in  Chinatown.

Which was Togi Korean Restaurant.

Ordered this crispy potato pancakes while waiting for my aunt..and basically I've waited them for like 45 minutes and feel so bad cause i occupied the seats without eating anything and the queue just getting longer and longer outside so i decided to order something first ^^

Ready for Korean BBQ?i can accept the taste of kimchi now ever since i came back from Korea.and i guess i love kimchi because i able to finish the whole plate.

BBQ beef~

Flip you go..the medium-cooked beef.

And yes..the well-cooked beef..

We also ordered pork belly..

Kimchi pancake.

I know we are being such a big eaters and we ordered this kimchi steambaot too..If we can eat further,we will ordered kimchi fried rice which my aunt said very tasty but we don't..will try it next time..

After some grocery shopping at Chinatown Point,we headed to 味香园 for dessert..Didn't know that this shop is actually based in Malaysia.Wanted to try their glutinous rice balls but no more since it was around 10 o'clock..

Highly recommended this Cendol Snow Ice.the soft texture of ice is totally different with what i have usually used to eat.

Cheong Ciong Fun ^^

Goodnight y'all..Monday no blue ok?*peace*


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