Fancy 2013

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Last day of 2013. 

Can you believe how fast can time flies? Seem like just blink of an eye and it's new year tomorrow. Still can remember vividly how busy am I during the previous CNY when I was helping my grandma to make and pack those CNY goodies. And now she's preparing those ingredients again for this coming CNY. Well, not trying to be exaggerate but everything just seem to happen yesterday. 

You can never tell how fast the time can be passed but I personally think that the flow time is always cruel. It waits no one even though you're going through hard times. If you don't move on, you will be the one who chasing after time and struggling to align with the pace of the time. 

2013 has been a good year for me. Good doesn't mean all year long is completely flawless. It does have the time that I'm down or unhappy matters that happened in my life. But the point is, I am able to chin up and move on. Most importantly, I have wonderful people around me giving me piece of advise and guide me along the way. I'm sure that you have such person in your life too. :)

One good part of my year 2013 was definitely is travelling. Has been travelled to quite a number of countries this year and make my knowledge and experience broader. I love travelling so much.

Have been to Ho chih minh city which has amazing architectures and buildings as well.

10 days trip to Taiwan with secondary mates. 

Meet with lovely people that I have in my life.  Thank you for having me and stay with me.

Glad that have a chance to review beauty product. This is product was so great and I'm still using it.

And I'm trying to dress better. Various #ootd.

Brief summary of my 2013 and I'm thankful for everything. What can I ask for more when I have lovely friends around me, caring family especially my mommy and readers like you. Thank you for reading even though my English is bad and share uninteresting stories with you all. But I will try to improve soon.

Hope you guys have prosperity year ahead. 

With love, 


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