Hello everybodeh and happy weekend to y'all.
Hope you have been enjoying your day off so far. It has been more than one month since I last blogged? Public holidays as well as weekends become extremely precious to me ever since I've joined workforce. I'm sure for those who just started working will definitely feel me. So public holiday and weekends means I have my own sweet time to sit down and blog. Seriously miss going to school even though I'm loaded with tests,assignments and quiz. Transition period between uni life to working life has way too many things to cope which I'm still learning and coping really hard at this point of time. I sure everything will be alright cause slow progress better than no progress right? :)
As title suggests, I am going to pen down one of the most glorious moment in this space and share with you guys. If you have been following my instagram/twitter/snapchat @sereneletica, you would have known that I actually attended my graduation ceremony hmm, probably two weeks ago. It's the first time in my life for participating graduation ceremony which makes me so happy and pretty excited for the my own big day to arrive.
I have a chunk of pretty photos to share!
So let's pictures do the talking.
So let's pictures do the talking.
Feeling grateful to have a bunch of nice uni mates to accompany me throughout the 2 years.
And of course, my supportive family members!
The balloon says it all.
"Keep calm and You're moving on"
Thanks everyone for showering me with love and care <3 nbsp="">
This lady below certainly deserves all the credit for all the support that she had given to me over the past 20 over years. Words can't really describe how thankful I am but still, thanks for all the supports and loves over the years. Thanks for being the pillar of strength in my life and always guide and lead me whenever I am lost in my life and ensures that she gives me the best of everything.
It's so funny to see her that gets even more excited than me on the day itself when she sees me in full graduation attire.
Thanks for everything mom.
Customised graduation bit-bit bunny. One for me and the other other for JY cause her graduation ceremony is one week after me.
My favourite hydrangea and baby breath. Thanks HS for this graduation bouquet!
I hope y'all still can spot MBS despite the incredibly hazy view behind us. '
Spotted a Japanese couple brought their grey poodle out so I ask for a photo with this cutie fur ball. How I wish my ah boy is here to share this joyous moment together with me. :'(
Walked further down to Merlion Park just for photos.. hehe..
So happy that he is able to witness this precious moment of mine and spending almost the whole afternoon to take photos for me and making sure that I have all the good photos to keep.
And wohoooo it's Esplanade behind us!
....to the next chapter of life.
Thanks everyone for reading and have a great night. Let's welcome another productive week!
Follow my instagram/snapchat/twitter for more instant updates @sereneleticia.
Till Then.
With Love,
all the best for your transition period yea =D